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RCIA - Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults

The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults or RCIA is the 

Catholic Church's program to prepare and welcome those 

16 years of age or older into the Church.  Any person who is unbaptized, or baptized into another Christian denomination and is seeking to learn more about the Catholic Faith is welcomed to the R.C.I.A. at St. Joseph the Worker.  
We meet September through April at 7:00 PM on Tuesday Evenings, and introduce and discuss the basic doctrines of our Church, explain our common forms of prayer and worship, pray together the Rites of Initiation leading to Baptism at Easter, and share time in fellowship at various time thought the year.
The RCIA involves the entire community of St. Joseph the Worker.  In Addition to the RCIA team, the entire parish eagerly awaits and welcomes all those seeking to join the family that calls God "Father" and prays continuously for them throughout the year.  

Baptism Easter 2018

The RCIA is the gateway to the Universal Church established by Christ.  Through the Sacraments, Catholics are not only made a member of their local parish, but of the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church.  From our Holy Father Pope Francis praying Holy Mass in Rome to our own priests at the altar in All Saints Chapel in St. Joseph the Worker, we are united in Communion with Jesus Christ the Head of our Universal Church.  
The RCIA is for YOU if you are not yet a Catholic and have an sincere desire to grow closer to our Lord Jesus Christ.  If you desire to learn more about the Catholic Church, through whom the fullness of the great treasury of grace has been offered to humankind, the RCIA is for you.
The RCIA is also for those who are already Catholic, but for any reason, did not receive Christan formation/education and/or may not have received all the Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Eucharist. All are welcome to attend any or all sessions to better understand the teachings of our Catholic Faith.   
For more information about the RCIA, please email or call the parish office at 610-395-2876. You can also email Deacon Butch directly. 
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