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Mass Schedule

Sunday Masses

Saturday Vigil 4:00 PM
Sunday 7:00 AM, 9:00 AM,

and 11:00 AM 


Daily Masses
Monday through Friday

6:30 AM and 8:30 AM

8:30 AM



Friday 7:45 AM - 8:15 AM

Saturday 9:00 AM - 9:30 AM  

and 3:00 PM - 3:45 PM

News and Updates

  • The Parish Office is open 9am-4:30pm, Monday-Friday

  • Online Giving- Create an account HERE

  • To Register for Family Faith Formation and Sacraments, contact our DRE HERE.

  • ​To Register Your Child at our school, click HERE

  • Sign up for the E-News below. If you don't see the sign-up form it may be your browser. E-mail with your name and e-mail and we'll get you signed up.

  • Prayer Request Form, click HERE

  • Watch 9 AM Mass, HERE 

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Our vibrant parish of almost four thousand families is happy to welcome you into the fold!  The best way to feel like part of the family as quickly as possible is to become involved.  By volunteering at our annual Flea Market, Craftfest, and International Food Festival, and by participating in some of our many groups and activities, you get to know your brothers and sisters in Christ.


Browse our website, read our Parish Guidebook found at the link above, or check out our latest E-News and Bulletin to discover all the things that happen at St. Joseph the Worker.


Like Jesus, we hope to see everyone in heaven for eternity, so we welcome you to attend our weekend and daily Masses, visit our Adoration Chapel from 9 AM to 8PM on weekdays to spend some time with Jesus, or relax in the Grotto while praying the rosary with our Blessed Mother.


If you are new to Catholicism and are wondering about making a commitment to the Faith, we welcome you to have all of your questions and concerns addressed in a conversation in person or via e-mail.  We also encourage all Catholics who are struggling with some aspect of the Faith to reach out to us.  To schedule a time to talk or ask a question via e-mail, contact us HERE.

Visit Our Adoration Chapel

Monday through Friday 



Overnight Adoration on

First Fridays until 8 AM


Join us!

Connect with St. Joe's on Facebook
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